About us
Terrigena Art Company Ltd. It is engaged in restoration of movable and immovable cultural heritage, craft and artisan works. Apart from the restorers, who are holders autorization of the Ministry of Culture we collaborate with craftsmen with years of experience in a wide range of disciplines and activities. These include masons, plasterers, bricklayers, mechanical and artistic blacksmiths and locksmiths, molder, cabinetmaker and woodcarver, painter and gilder of all kinds of surface. At the same time we cooperate with the authorized engineers and designers in the field of civil engineering with experience in the care of historical monuments.
Restoration and reconstruction can be done alone or in close cooperation with construction companies and other suppliers.
In addition to the restoration and reconstruction of historic buildings, we also designs interior and exterior modifications to existing buildings and new buildings and objects. Then we deal with the drafting and implementation of copyright works of art and monuments in public spaces and private collections and installations.
We pride ourselves on the quality of the work and individual approach to each client. During order we work closely with the investor and always adhere to a negotiated agreement. The implementation of the agreement also provide after communication with the preservation of monuments and state governments.
We very much appreciate the trust of our customers and we believe that it will not disappoint.